The Blood price of Meritorious Manumission—part 1

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon where hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. Most people know the phrase Stockholm Syndrome from the numerous high-profile kidnapping and hostage cases – usually involving women – in which it has been cited.   In August of 2013, the BBC news published an article on the origin of the term Stockholm Syndrome and in delving into the origin of the term, recounted an incident that occurred more than forty years ago, at the end of a six-day bank siege. Almost everybody of a certain age, or who actually genuinely read, something other than a quick social media post, in this digital age of 5 minutes of hype, might know the term, Stockholm syndrome, is most associated with Patty Hearst, the Californian newspaper heiress who was kidnapped by a so called group of “revolutionary militants”,  in 1974, called the Symbionese Liberation Army. The story was that she appeared to develop sympathy with her captors and joined them in a robbery. She was eventually caught and received a prison sentence. But Hearst’s defence lawyer Bailey claimed that the 19-year-old had been brainwashed and was suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome” – a term that had been recently coined to explain the apparently irrational feelings of some captives for their captors.

Note: The Symbionese Liberation Army was founded in the San Francisco Bay area by Russell Little and Robyn Sue Steiner. The group is a loose band of Berkeley radicals focused on prison reform, poverty, and race. Most members are middle- and upper-class whites.

More Notes:— It is interesting that Patty Hearst was the daughter of one William Randolf Hearst a news paper robber baron, who owned his own bloody Forrest, and who had wanted to cut down trees to make his newspaper, thus keeping more of the publishing profit to himself, through maintaining control of the raw material. William Randolf Hearst was said to have conspired with the United Snakes government, in demonizing hemp, from being an all-purpose super plant, into an illegal mend bending psychedelic one, with a name taken from an actual and very dangerous Mexican plant, called Marijuana. Ironic indeed, because the one mind altering substance, that psychedelically affect us more than any other drug to date, is media propaganda.

Who remembers this commercial?

The original term, Stockholm Syndrome, was applied in media reports about the Natascha Kampusch case. Kampusch – kidnapped as a 10-year-old by Wolfgang Priklopil and held in a basement for eight years – was reported to have cried when she heard her captor had died and subsequently lit a candle for him as he lay in the mortuary. While the term is widely known, the incident that led to its coinage remains relatively obscure.  Outside Sweden few know the names of bank workers Birgitta Lundblad, Elisabeth Oldgren, Kristin Ehnmark and Sven Safstrom. It was 23 August 1973 when the four were taken hostage in the Kreditbanken by 32-year-old career-criminal Jan-Erik Olsson – who was later joined at the bank by a former prison mate. Six days later when the stand-off ended, it became evident that the victims had formed some kind of positive relationship with their captors.  Stockholm Syndrome was born by way of explanation. The phrase was reported to have been coined by criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot. Psychiatrist Dr Frank Ochberg was intrigued by the phenomenon and went on to define the syndrome for the FBI and Scotland Yard in the 1970s.

The article is an interesting break down of this phenomena and goes on to state…by these experts that true Stockholm syndrome is very rare. However, science of the mind is a relative study, that is still turning up new information yearly. And while psychology is being debunked in some quarters as junk science and psychiatry as drug pushers, there is still some element of knowledge one can gleam when studying and overstanding these two professions. For instance, Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. During the tests they learned that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences – in this case a fear of the smell of cherry blossom – to subsequent generations.  According to the Telegraph, Dr Brian Dias, from the department of psychiatry at Emory University, said: ”From a translational perspective, our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations.”

“Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

This suggests that experiences are somehow transferred from the brain into the genome, allowing them to be passed on to later generations.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid,
Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy)

The above mentioned adage and subsequent reaction/actions forms the basis for what drives black people today. Irrespective of us gestating in the laboratory of the diaspora, as prisoners of imperial wars and colonialism, which culminated in the Ma’afa; or continuously in the laboratory on the continent, under imperialism, colonialism and the current neo colonialism of mercantile. Mercantile is euphemistically defined as an economic theory, implying that the success of a nation depends on its available capital and trade with other nations. However, underneath the veneer of “trade”, the savages of Europe, made it legal to own Afrikans in perpetuity ( or until they needed to free up cannon fodder, for their tribal war between the amurdikkklan south and north). The excuse of trade is also being used to continually exploit the continent of Afrika, draining, valuable mineral and intellectual resources, to prop up white pathology and to maintain western (white economy) at the expense of the survival of Afrika and Afrikans, at home and abroad. Mercantile is only one of the strategies used by the enemy of Afrikan people, propped up by military intervention, proxy wars, reLIEgion, misedumcation in the public fool system and “the one the ring that rules them all”….media propaganda!

The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 was the legal act of freeing a slave for “good deeds” as defined by the national public policy. Meritorious Manumission could be granted to a slave who distinguished himself by

  1. saving the life of a white master or his property,
  2. inventing something that a white slave master could make a profit from or
  3. snitching on a slave rebellion.

The genius of white pathology (nobody ever said it was stupid, just sickening) was how it maintained its hold over the minds and “souls of black folks”, through symbolism.  Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. By utilizing images and icons, some one who fully overstand psychological manipulations can use these images to effect symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts. By beating into the psyche of the imprisoned Afrikans that “his sins would be washed as white as snow, if he accepts Jesus in his life, showing an image of a Caucasian male, with a distinctive feature, reminiscent of the Italian homosexual, incest practicing and pedophile murderer, Cesar Borgia, the imprisoned Afrikan inculcates in his mind and soul, that white people are “gods” people. By upping the ante to another level, Meritorious Manumission was augmented with perhaps the greatest invention by the savage, particularly in amurdikkka. The patent office!

After chattel slavery was “officially” over and its “unofficial” personality, in the guise of civil rights and the prison industrial system, was not yet thought up, the patent office was used to “legally” continue to steal Afrikan intellectual and physical property to enrich and make wealthy, generation of savages, children of savages and children of children of savages.

This is why the debate around reparation is a nonstarter, if we want to appeal to the nonexistent conscience of white people around this topic. Imagine this house of cards being toppled, due to the payout, incalculable, even though some have put a dollar figure on it? We are speaking of more than 500 years and multi-generational impoverishment, murder, genocidal practices, that is still being perpetuated to this day. The savages of Europe have proven to be history’s and ourstory’s must fanatical survivalists. So reparation would not only kill white pathology and one of its bastard child, the financial system, it would reduce these beings back to a time when they would not only savage others, but each other. They have done the cost study and have concluded that they would rather hang precariously off the jagged edge of am extremely high cliff, by one hand, in maintaining this dying system, than to willingly give it up in fear of retaliation and more than 2000 years of payback from Afrikan people.

see part 2

2 thoughts on “The Blood price of Meritorious Manumission—part 1

  1. This is why the debate around reparation is a nonstarter, if we want to appeal to the nonexistent conscience of white people around this topic. Imagine this house of cards being toppled, due to the payout, incalculable, even though some have put a dollar figure on it? We are speaking of more than 500 years and multi-generational impoverishment, murder, genocidal practices, that is still being perpetuated to this day. The savages of Europe have proven to be history’s and ourstory’s must fanatical survivalists. So reparation would not only kill white pathology and one of its bastard child, the financial system, it would reduce these beings back to a time when they would not only savage others, but each other. They have done the cost study and have concluded that they would rather hang precariously off the jagged edge of am extremely high cliff, by one hand, in maintaining this dying system, than to willingly give it up in fear of retaliation and more than 2000 years of payback from Afrikan people.”
    Very well said brother! You said a mouthful. I shared this on Twitter.


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