
Colorism is a prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. Many have noted that “colorism within the black community has been a serious emotional and psychological battle”.
Colorism is a practice of discrimination by which those with lighter skin are treated more favorably than those with darker skin. In the African community of amurdikkka our existence under white pathology, has traditionally played out the skin game via the paper bag test. Those lighter than the standard paper lunch bag were allowed entry into fraternities, sororities and other realms of black upper class life, while dark-skinned blacks were excluded.
More than anything, what the whole fall out around the Jesse Williams scripted Black Lives Matter speech tells me, is that colorism is still a formadabe force plaguing us still.
More than the response of his detractors, who have dismissed the speech’s wide acceptance based on him being a half breed, are his supporters who behave way more retarded. For the supporters it wasn’t just about his speech either, but how they reacted to a LIGHT SKINDED, male who WAS making that speech.
The females and surely some undercover fags, almost orgasmic reaction to his looks and his eyes, went beyond just appreciating his speech, as they pretend to.
I was struck to pen this post due to this latest spectacle, as well as the increasing proliferation of images of black people…some as dark as righteousness, with shockingly blue eyes.
A while back another image of black children from the Solomon Island, sporting blond afros, circulated excessively for a time. Many of them also sporting blue eyes as well. They straw that was grasped was that these show the Afrikan woman can produce all types of looks.
Despite the narrative that many of the look of the Solomon islanders were the product of colonial rape and or fall out from decades of french nuclear testing in that region, or a genetic mutation naturally occurring, the “we are the world” set, continue to promote their color struck view of nature.
Some have pointed to Albinos as another example of this black woman’s ability to produce the white race. For your information, the albino is not white. He or she is an Afrikan who through a DEFECT of birth, come out devoid of the deep dermal melanin afforded their more fortunate brothers and sisters. And just like in the animal kingdom, the albino was considered an anomaly and weak. Not expected to survive. This is why many develop serious skin cancer, whether in the sun extensively or not. But of course the common man never gets the whole story. There is a very dangerous approach by the modern kneegrows on the continent of Afrika, who slaughter or maim the Albinos for some supposed magic they believe exists in the Albino’s bodies. This is a primitive and savage belief that has a religious connotation derived from the original savage’s spreading of the white skin as magical and superior. I mentioned the Albino because for the discerning among us, their conditions and presence have been older and more wide spread than the Solomon Islanders and these other images of dark skinded blue eyed people.
Sometimes back, I had studied iridology and though I don’t practice it as a profession, one thing that stayed with me was that the Afrikan’s cornea is not only thicker, but more melanated than the European. In fact…the melanin content scale of the European’s cornea and iris goes from the high of the dark brown, to green to the blue. Blue being the weakest and indicative of much more toxicity. Some even have very pale almost white eyes. Almost like a ghoul.
The kneegrows love with light eyes is something that gets lost in the debate over the light skin. Yet when we see deep dark people sporting multicolor lense, we should know they don’t overstand how horrific they look. This is not the fashion attire of a confident person who feels attractive. It is the fashion attire of a low self esteem having person, who feels very unattractive. I overstand that through blood mixing some of us do come out with light eyes. And the rare ones who produce sets of eyes like that are also a product of genetic defect.
This is nothing a person can just change. But the way light eyes are pursued, at one time the escape of the kneegress, seem to be catching on by the kneegrow. Now both genders look the damn fool. Have we forgotten how we look pursuing light skin? And ended up bleaching off our whole skin and creating pools of hideous looking zombies?
Unless you can show me a whole village, town or even family with deep coal dark skin, with blue eyes, then your love for the one off, is more pathetic and unfortunate than those born with that weakness. And no…Vanessa Williams and Jesse Williams are not the example I am looking for. I am talking about groups of Manu Bol’s running around with blue eyes.
The language we use to describe the light eyes is also very instructive. High color, browning, sexy…etc. This is what the pathology of colorism looks like. It is a pathology because instead of saying or implying that that light skin man or woman is attractive, they should be saying that man or woman is attractive. Because to say it any other way is stating that thr man or woman is attractive because they have light skin.  A twist of words goes a long way in how we express ourselves, but we must first eliminate that twist in our perception of what is beauty, else our objectivity is questioned.
Colorism! One of the worst kind of infection, because we don’t see it, nor are we aware that we are infected by it. Even as it kills our Afrikan soul and Afrikan self love.

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